New digital nomad visa planned for Spain

Great news! In the hopes of attracting more travelers to their shores, the Spanish government has announced it's intention to create a Digital Nomad visa and although details are still forthcoming, here is what we do know so far;


This info has not been confirmed as yet, however it is expected to be valid for 1 year, with the option to renew for up to 5 years.


The visa will be available to all Non EU citizens, whether single or with families. Applicants must be able to prove that they have been working remotely for at least a year prior and must have proof of current remote employment with a company not based in Spain.

Applicants will also have to provide a residential address for their time in Spain as well as prove that they can be financially self sufficient.

Spain is already a very popular country for digital nomads and holiday makers alike with the stunning locations, fast internet connectivity, amazing food and friendly locals, this move is sure to attract even more visitors!

Other countries that have created nomad visas include Thailand, Croatia, The Czech Republic and Greece. These visas have allowed countries that previously only prospered during their tourism peak seasons an opportunity to create a steady economy year round. While also providing travelers with an opportunity to stay longer than the typical 3 months offered by holiday visas as well as tax benefits in some countries.