
A collection of 36 posts

  • Why Kenton-on-Sea is the perfect spot for digital nomads

    Little old Kenton has much to offer the wondering soul. Being pretty much unknown among the global community, Kenton is a hidden gem just waiting to be discovered and enjoyed. Let's take a look at what it can offer you; #1 The beaches & riversThis is an obvious drawing point
  • Is being a digital nomad worth it?

    New nomads or people wanting to take the plunge and start their journey always ask the same question; Is being a nomad really worth it? And the answer isn't as simple as you might hope.. Yes and No. Like all lifestyles, there are good things and bad things about being
  • Packing for your next nomad journey

    When packing for extended trips, it can be difficult to decide on what to take and what to leave behind. Often, in the confusion, important things can be forgotten. So here are some helpful tips on how to simplify the packing process and make sure you have everything you need;
  • Best sites to find accommodation while nomading

    Where to stay is probably the most important question to ask once you decide on your next country to visit. Once you have a roof over your head, the rest of your trip can be planned around that. However, it's not always easy to find a trustworthy and safe space
  • Best jobs for digital nomads

    The digital nomad lifestyle is seeing a huge surge in popularity at the moment, due mostly to the fact that many employers allowed workers to continue working remotely even after the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions were lifted. Many workers realized that their work does not require them to be stuck in
  • Frequently asked questions about traveling to South Africa

    So you're interested in a summer holiday on the South African coast but have some questions. How do you get to your destination from the airport? Will your Airbnb have a pet lion? (no, they wont). Will the locals understand English? All valid questions that we will attempt to answer