Getting Started

A collection of 11 posts

  • Connecting with Locals: Building Authentic Relationships as a Digital Nomad

    Sure, traveling to exotic destinations and working from a beachside café sounds dreamy, but what really makes the experience unforgettable is the people you meet along the way.
  • Pros and Cons of Being a Digital Nomad, From a Digital Nomad

    As digital nomadism continues to rise in popularity, many are enticed by the allure of remote work and global exploration. However, like any lifestyle, it comes with its own set of advantages and challenges. Drawing from personal experience, let's delve into the pros and cons of being a digital nomad,
  • Staying Rooted on the Road: How Digital Nomads Can Keep Their Connection to Home Alive

    amidst the excitement of exploring far-flung destinations, it's natural to feel a tug at the heartstrings—a longing for the familiar comforts of home and the cultural touchstones that shape our identities.
  • Transitioning to a Digital Nomad Lifestyle: A Step-by-Step Guide

    In a world increasingly defined by flexibility and remote opportunities, the allure of the digital nomad lifestyle is more appealing than ever. The prospect of working from exotic locations, embracing diverse cultures, and living life on your terms is an exciting proposition. However, transitioning from a traditional work environment to
  • Embracing the Nomadic Spirit: A Beginner's Guide to Kickstarting Your Digital Nomad Journey in the New Year

    As the clock strikes midnight on New Year's Eve, the air is filled with promises of fresh starts, exciting adventures, and boundless possibilities. If you've ever dreamt of breaking free from the shackles of a traditional 9-to-5 lifestyle and embarking on a journey where your office spans the globe, then
  • Digital nomad communities in Portugal

    If you're new to the nomad lifestyle and not quite sure where to start, a good option might be to visit an established nomad community. These communities offer you a sort of One Stop Shop for all of your nomad needs. You'll have a place to stay, a place to
  • The best destinations to visit in September

    Looking for your next travel destination for September? Here are some great options to consider: Barcelona Avoid the most hectic summer crowds but still enjoy amazing weather in September. There is also the annual Summer festival, La Mercé, which will be held between 23 & 26 September. You can expect
  • How to be a digital nomad with kids

    Gone are the days when digital nomads were all single 20-somethings looking for adventure. Now, more and more couples and families are taking the plunge and becoming nomads, carting their kids and even pets along for the ride. Some might think that could become a nightmare (we've all been on
  • It's the swallow's life for me

    Imagine never having to experience Winter.. Cold, rainy, dreary.. Eww. But never mind, it's easier than ever to avoid the dark clouds and the cold spells. Summer is just a plane ticket away! Like swallows, many people have opted to travel the world in constant search of warmer weather. So
  • Best jobs for digital nomads

    The digital nomad lifestyle is seeing a huge surge in popularity at the moment, due mostly to the fact that many employers allowed workers to continue working remotely even after the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions were lifted. Many workers realized that their work does not require them to be stuck in
  • Digital nomad visa VS tourist visa

    The life of a digital nomad can be adventurous, fun and filled with wonderful memory making moments but there are down sides (not many though). For example, the task of arranging a visa for your next country can be a daunting process. Most countries have many visa options to choose